Liste d’organisations haitiennes

A list of Greater Boston social, professional, and public health organizations serving the needs of the Haitian and Haitian American community, listed alphabetically:

Association of Haitian Women in Boston (AFAB)
Asosiyasyon Fanm Ayisyen nan Boston
330 Fuller Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Telephone: 617-287-0096

AFAB seeks all opportunities to equip Haitian women with the necessary tools to improve their social, economic and political status so that they can take control of their lives and futures. Activities include a radio program on women’s issues; lectures at high schools and colleges; workshops on health care, domestic violence, and legal and parenting issues; a young women’s leadership development program; networking to address issues affecting poor women and their families; literacy and ESL classes; and advocacy on such issues as health care, housing, domestic violence, rape, child care, and welfare.
The Boston Haitian Reporter
Founded in May 2001, The Boston Haitian Reporter is New England’s leading source for news about the region’s growing Haitian-American communities. The Reporter is a monthly newspaper distributed free at more than 300 locations in and around Greater Boston, which can also be downloaded and read free of charge online.
1106 Main Street, Suite 109
Brockton, MA 02301
Telephone: 508-427-6671
Brockton CHASE AIDS is a collaboration of the Brockton grass-roots Haitian organizations, Massachusetts Community Health Services (MCHS) and Brockton Haitian Community (BROHACO). The program is housed in the offices of the MCHS, which has been providing a wide range of programs over the past few years. These services include violence prevention initiatives, substance abuse prevention, men’s and women’s health awareness, youth health awareness, and its newest project the REACH 2010 HIV/AIDS prevention and education. BROHACO has been in existence for several years and is committed to improving the health of Haitians and increasing Haitian community involvement in the Brockton area.
Bulletin Communautaire Haitien du MA
10 Blake Street, #2
Hyde Park, MA 02136
Telephone: 617-846-5889
Free quarterly newsletter in Creole
Cambridge Haitian Services Collaborative
Multi-Service Center, Cambridge Dept of Human Service Program
19 Brookline Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone: 617-349-6351
The Cambridge Haitian Services Collaborative addresses the social services needs of the Haitian community in Cambridge, with an emphasis on Haitians serving Haitians. People using these services do not need to be homeless or at risk.
Cambridge Health Alliance – Haitian Health Outreach Program
Multiple locations
Telephone: 617-591-6780
The Haitian Health Outreach Program raises awareness about HIV/AIDS and STD prevention/education in a way that is consistent with the Haitian cultural values and linguistically appropriate for the different segments of the Haitian population. Services include interventions and meetings with community agencies and Haitian providers, and workshops for Haitian men, Haitian women and Haitians living with AIDS. The workshops are designed to allow participants to learn about HIV/AIDS and STD prevention and to discuss their concerns.

Caribbean U-Turn, Inc (CUT)
Rev. Alfred Mombeleur
19 Tesla Street
Mattapan, MA 02126
Telephone: 617-296-6789
Fax: 617-296-6527
Caribbean U-Turn is a faith based, non-denominational Ministry reaching out to at-risk Caribbean youth of Greater Boston. This program provides HIV prevention and education to out-of-schools, high-risk youth of Caribbean descent, with female and male students meeting in separate groups. The model focuses on referrals from the courts, DYS, Boston Police Youth Task Force, and street outreach.
The Caribbean Foundation of Boston, Inc
317 Blue Hill Ave, #2
Dorchester, MA 02121
Tel: 617-445-1228
The Caribbean Foundation of Boston is a nonprofit agency founded in 1973 by a group of Caribbean women who wanted to expand home care for their culturally diverse and economically disadvantaged community. It was the catalyst for the Urban Community Homemaking program in Boston. They hire and train local residents to provide services that help to prevent the unnecessary institutionalization of the elderly and the disabled, and to maintain children in their homes by providing help to families where a mother is incapacitated.
Center for Community Health, Education, and Research (CCHER)
420 Washington Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Telephone: (617) 265-0628
FAX: (617) 265-4134
CCHER’s mission is to increase access to different types of services for HIV consumers. Activities include comprehensive case management, affordable housing, home delivered meals and support services, psychological counseling, community and culturally based interventions, testing and analysis of interventions and services concerning their impact on the community.
Dorchester Nazarene Compassionate Center
130 River Street
Mattapan, MA 02126
Telephone: 617-296-7450
FAX: 617- 296-7453
The mission of the DNCC is to provide relief to the most vulnerable, distressed and underprivileged people of the Boston area, with particular emphasis on the Haitian community and youth in Dorchester, Mattapan, Roslindale and the surrounding communities. Programs include: Adult Basic Education (ESL/Computer Literacy), Youth Services (including the Higher Education Resource Center), Health Education (HIV/AIDS and Breast Cancer Prevention), and Food and Nutrition Services.
Evaluation, Family Counseling Haitians and Minorities (EFACHAM)
52 Province Street, Suite 307, Boston, MA 02108 / Telephone: 617-451-1070

EFACHAM is a minority-owned nonprofit outpatient mental health clinic founded in 1987 to answer the mental and emotional needs of Haitians and other recently immigrated minorities in Greater Boston. Its aim is to provide culturally appropriate and sensitive mental health services to a community which has been underserved. It offers clients a range of services tailored to the individual, including housing and job search assistance and an emergency food pantry.


Haitian American Public Health Initiatives, Inc. (HAPHI)
10 Fairway St, PO Box 260386
Mattapan, MA 02126
Telephone: (617) 298-8076 / Fax: (617) 298-1224
HAPHI‘s mission is to act to promote health and foster well-being within the Haitian community of Greater Boston through education and prevention, advocacy, outreach, and services. HAPHI programs promote culturally appropriate health education and support, advocacy for access to care, and the creation of opportunities for economic development in the field of health care. HAPHI’s activities include chronic disease prevention, case management and family support and counseling for families with mentally challenged children, smoking prevention and cessation, HIV testing and counseling, Haitian men’s health program, and two after school programs at the Lewemberg and Wilson middle schools.
Haitian Artists Assembly
Tel: 617-846-5889
Workshops, expositions, presentations, referrals to Haitian artists, annual cultural events, database of artists.
Haitian Coalition of Somerville
Somerville, MA 02144
Telephone: 617-625-6400 / Fax: 617-625-6403

The Haitian Coalition works to assist youth and young adult Haitians, using a holistic approach to improve the overall social, educational, and economical development in Somerville, Medford, Malden and the surrounding areas. It promotes cultural awareness, assists Haitians with citizenship process, voter registration, and provides resources and referrals for Haitians in the local area.
Haiti Consulate General Boston
545 Boylston Street, Suite 201
Boston, MA 02116
Telephone: 617-266-3660
Diplomatic representation, Haitian library, translation, legalization of documents, cultural affairs.
Haitian Health Institute
Boston Medical Center
Drs. Michele David, Jean Robert Larrieux, Nicole Prudent, Co-Directors
91 E. Concord Street, Suite 200
Boston, MA 02118
Telephone: (617) 414-7702 / Fax: (617) 414-4676
The mission of the Haitian Health Institute is to research unmet needs, identify gaps in services, and evaluate existing programs for quality, effectiveness and efficiency of service within the Massachusetts Haitian Community. Activities include networking with other organizations, community organizing, evaluation of existing programs, research, and rapid response to community health crises.
Haitian Health Outreach Project (HHOP)
Multi-Disciplinary AIDS Program
Cambridge Health Alliance
52 Beacon St, Somerville, MA 02143
Telephone: (617) 498-1212 / Fax: (617) 868-3012
The mission of the Haitian Health Outreach Project (HHOP) is to reduce the transmission of HIV and AIDS by providing culturally appropriate outreach and education for Haitians living in Cambridge and Somerville. Activities include recruiting and training Haitian community leaders, home presentations about HIV/AIDS and other health issues, HIV counseling and testing, and a youth program addressing issues of cultural values, self-esteem, violence, substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS.
Haitian Multi-Service Center (HMSC)
Catholic Charities of Boston
185 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, MA 02121
Telephone: 436-2848 / Fax: 287-0284
The mission of HMSC is to prepare and assist immigrants in their struggle for social and economic self-sufficiency in America. Activities include day care; education; adult and children’s health; emergency support; immigration services; and HIV/AIDS counseling, case management, and support; advocacy; and coordination of services.
Haitian Nurses Association
P.O. Box 393, Mattapan, MA 02126
Telephone: 617-361-0383 / Fax: 617-361-0383
Tutoring, mentoring, preparation for board exams for nursing students, health fairs, “Future Nurses Camp” for young adults.
Haitian Studies Association/ Haitian Studies Program
University of MA Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02135-3393
Telephone: 617-287-7138

Research, dissemination on Haiti and Haitians, conferences, discussions on Haitian policy, newsletter, Haitian Language Institute

Mass. Community Health Services (MCHS)
1106 Main Street Suite 109
Brockton, MA 02301
508-427-6671 / Fax: 508-427-6133
Services include violence prevention initiatives, substance abuse prevention, men’s and women’s health awareness, youth health awareness, and its newest project the REACH 2010 HIV/AIDS prevention and education.
Massachusetts Minority Liaison, MDPH
Brunilda Torres, Director, Office of Multicultural Health
Massachusetts Department of Public Health
250 Washington Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02108
Phone: (617) 624-5471 / Fax: (617) 624-5075

Partners in Health
## Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA
Telephone: 617-661-4564


The SPARK Center/Boston Medical Center
255 River Street, Mattapan, MA 02126
Phone: 617-534-2050 / Fax: 617.534.2057
The SPARK Center (formerly the Children’s AIDS Program) is a model childcare program offering comprehensive, integrated, state-of-the-art services for children and families whose lives are affected by medical, emotional and/or behavioral challenges The program serves Boston’s highest-risk children: those living with complicated medical conditions (including HIV/AIDS, failure-to-thrive, and neuro-developmental challenges); as well as children who are involved with the Department of Social Services due to significant family and social concerns (including child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, adult substance abuse). The SPARK Center represents a powerful collaboration between Boston Medical Center and the Boston University School of Medicine, the MA Office of Child Care Services, and several additional state and federal funders.
YMCA of Greater Boston, Dorchester
776 Washington Street
Dorchester, MA 02124;
Ph.: (617) 436-7750; Fax (617) 436-9212
This program targets African-American and Haitian youth living in South Dorchester. The YMCA provides a variety of services, including the peer HIV/AIDS education program, skills building, and activities that promote self-esteem, support a healthier lifestyle and decrease the risk of HIV infection.

Sources for List:

List of Haitian Resources in the Boston Area
The Haitian and Haitian American Community of Greater Boston
Haitians in America: Boston
City of Boston HIV/AIDS Prevention & Education Program Summaries for FY2005
Disclaimer: Links to organizations found at this site are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by BHLP or BUSM, and none should be inferred. BHLP is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links.
The information in this site is provided as a research resource, and does not represent promotion or medical endorsement on the part of the Boston Healing Landscape Project, the Boston University School of Medicine, or Boston Medical Center.
All contents copyright © 2001 – 2012, President and Fellows of Boston University and Linda L. Barnes: All rights reserved.

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